Friday, November 16, 2007

The Value Of Money

Ok i feel better about my self today... or rather.... i have resigned myself to my fate...

anyways u know wat i did wen i came back from Chinatown? i went to sleep till dinner. oh yeah such a lazy slob i have become. i have like an unfinished painting and a few more art pieces to do but who the hey cares. just sleep!

next time i mention that i wanna go chinatown please please stop me. everytime i go there i overspend, like seriously overbudget... which brings me to my blog post proper....

I was Q-ing up at my bank to do a transaction/statement thingya few days back... so there i was waiting and waiting... den i noticed this old uncle also Q-ing infront of me.... he was old like 60 plus...ok so here is the thing... he was holding his passbook...

but this is the thing or rather the image that was stuck in my mind for the past few days was wen he was checking his passbook, he opened it and inside were a bunch of $10 notes and $2 notes. i was quite struck by that image. of him holding his passbook and going to deposit wat could be less than $50 dollars into his account...

it affected me quite alot and got me thinking about the value of money... here we are throwing money away at frivolous things while there are people who scrimp and save every bit of money they can...

i not saying that one should live like a beggar but instead live within ur means.... its ok to indulge once in awhile and if u can afford it.. just make sure ur concious of the fact that other ppl are less fortunate than you.

i find it ridiculous to be spending a few hundred dollars on a freaking t shirt no? or a polo T for that matter... call me old fashion hippie but comfort is most important to me... don't come telling that a cotton T worth a hundred bucks is more comfy that a cotton T worth 20 bucks... its damn freaking cotton...

but some things are worth the money like shoes or jeans... or a laptop... somethings are worth the expense that is paid.

but one must understand the value of money.

i still dunno why the image of the old man is stuck in my mind. i dunno wat i just ranted in the above post but i just wanted to tell you the thing thats been in my mind for these few days....

The Old Man and his Passbook wit his $10 notes.....

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