Monday, December 25, 2006

Hopefully a Rest... i Think Not....

Ok got back from Ward duty and was kinda tired, ok i lie was very tired. spent the whole night sleeping on chairs so i think my neck abit sore. heh. anyways.

ya went to Singapore Garden Festival with Sam. I think they should hav in more often. its wonderful. like its a Botanical wonderland. but i think they overdid it on the orchid part. ya i know singapore is a major producer of orchids but they didn't have to dedicated a quarter of the Festival space to orchids. ok fine that the OSSEA had a awards thing but they could have competitions for other plants like fruits and vegetables or largest flower or best specimen for different catergory of plants to get the public involved in gardening and plants. thats just me. anyways being there i just had to buy something so here the stuff i bought. coincidentally or not the stuff i bought are all tiny things. tiny plants that is.

Psygmorchis pusilla: oh my god its the tiniest orchid you have ever seen. really really tiny. half the size of ur thumb. so cute. click here for pic. and here so cute.

Neoregelia pauciflora: a small bromeliad nothing special. just that its the size of ur palm and has spot which my fren thought were diseased spots. Pics here and here

Guzmania "Tipi" : tiniest Guzmania i've ever seen. same palm sized thing. hope it pups for me. Pic scroll down to Tipi.

i feel contented and happy. i have went and i have seen and i have interacted. and i feel fucking tired. such a hectic week but somehow i wokup this morning at the hospital and looked in the mirror and said "WOW!" i looked fabulous. (no really i looked great. laugh all you want.) but the crap part of it was i was not going out today. looking great and nowhere to go. irony of the century. haha.

i can't wait for the new year. things will change for the new year. for one i will leave the army and all the wonderful and colorful ppl it contains. that includes the Fucked up ones as well. all life experiences. i have made a list in my mind of all the new years resolutions for the next year. one of them is to try and keep to my resolutions. heh. i'm sure this week will be as hectic as the past one. crap.

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