Thursday, November 20, 2003

Lady Galadriel send her greetings and welcomes you to the golden forest of lorien….. will you now take a rest from your weary journey and have an audience with the lord and lady of the woods?

Hah… I just love Lord Of The Rings… I only like the first one coz the whole story of the first was soo pretty and magickal.. the other two was just about war war war…. Ok just a random thought…..

On to the more serious stuff…..

It seems my HLM class has lost many things… was discussing it wit xL the other day. the class has lost 3 things:


We lost all these elements in the class and now we’re very plain. And if ur clever u noe who they are. They all went off to pursue their dreamz and we miss them dearly.

Ok dunno where that came from. I have all this things in my head.

Next on the agenda. A rant! Yes a well deserved ranting is at hand!

Have been lurking around frensters again and reading ppl’s profiles and found sumthing that made me think. I have observed that in peoples twestimonials a lot of them say that so and so is a friendly person. (heh so scientific) but this is not the problem. The problem is this thought that comes to my mind.

If a person looked like Frankenstein or The Hunchback Of Notre Dame would this person still be regarded as friendly? Would he or she?

I mean it’s all relative to how u look. Think about it.

On a sadder note. One of my great aunties has passed away. Jus got to noe bout it as I was typing the above. How fleeting is this mortal life. Well wasn’t really close to her but hey she was my family. Heck she IS still my family. She shall be greatly missed. She had lots of children though and she was really talkative. Hehe. I shall remember her for that. Consider this her eulogy. Sigh. She had to go soo near to Hari Raya. Ok lah time to reflect. Nitez . don't feel like bloging anymore.

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