Monday, April 30, 2007

The biggest Goddamn Burger I've Ever Eaten....

Well today is Dad's Birtdae and i don't even know how old he is.. i'm such a bad son.. so anywyas we went to Swenson to have dinner. how family is that to eat at Swensens? anyways i ordered the Mega burger or something like that. and oh my god was it huge! it around the same size as a Carl jr burger but it was twice the thickness. i had to eat it with a fork and knife cozi can't possibly put the goddamn thing in my mouth can it. its freaking thick. like i can put alot of things in my mouth but i couldn't fit it. actually i could but it would be rude at Swensens and all.. but trust me it was huge.

well that enuff about gigantic burgers. ok fine i've watched Ugly Betty and America's Next Top Model. and i have reached a conclusion.

not that i'm complaining. my skin is way better than it was a few years back. back den it was horrible. now its better but the odd pimple or rahter the odd pimpleS are rather irritating. how can i get better skin? i don't really know coz my genetic makeup is predispositioned for me to have odd and oily skin by which the oils clog up my pores allowing bacteria to feed and grow thus forming a pustule which irritates the fuck out of me. yes its true. i think water is best and facial cleansing regime that is bordering on obsessive behaviour could do the trick that and moving to a country that has lower humidity so as to make my skin dry. Australia does that.i have hot skin wen i'm in australia. i tell my skin rocks over there.
i guess good skin is alos adequate rest... wahahha goods night!


Unknown said...

Swensen's got big burger ah?

Anonymous said...

haha cool!

kOoKy pLuM said...

Of Course They Do! i just ate one... i can't possibly be hallucinating can i? Wahahaa!!

Anonymous said...

hallucinations are good hehe

Anonymous said...

yeap, i tried the burgers there.. its nice..