Thursday, February 05, 2004

ok ok... been slacking bout blogging. there is basically nothing to write about coz whatever i blog you ( my frenz ) will noe coz i will tell you. me and my big mouth. and my other frenz refuse to read my blog, thinking it is a waste of time so there is no point for me to blog for them. rite.

on the other hand i could blog about my innermost dirty thoughts but then again no one would wanna read that. but then again if you do then mail ok. we will have a chat. haha.wink wink.

ok ok i shall promise to blog tomolo since i have all the free time with all the open house and all. i shall blog of many things. such as valentines day or the lack of. how i hate good looking people who noe they are good looking and use it to their advantage. phew that was a long thing to type. and lemme see what else can i blog about?

nope nothing right now. ok i must apologize to people who are actually goodlooking. i am sorry. i hate people like that. just like they say. those who can't do teach. in this case those who can't do critisize. thats coz i have a better brain than most people.

now that was funny. just to boost my ailing self esteem. nitez.

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