Sunday, June 11, 2006


so woke up this morning had an epiphany! about seduction... but first u have to understand wat type of seduction i'm talking about. yes seduction ur basic get me in bed kinda seduction but secuction can also mean (to me at least) getting people to listen and do wat u want them to do. u seduce them. Definition of seduce from merriam webster:

Main Entry: se·duc·tion
Pronunciation: si-'d&k-sh&n
Function: noun
Etymology: Middle French, from Late Latin seduction-, seductio, from Latin, act of leading aside, from seducere
1 : the act of seducing to wrong; especially : the often unlawful enticement of a female to sexual intercourse
2 : something that seduces : TEMPTATION
3 : something that attracts or charms

this is wat dawned on me wen i opened my lazy puffy peepers today!

Your Body is A Tool Of Seduction
Use It Well
isn't it true darlings? the more attractive u are it is easier to get laid and also it is easier to get people to listen to wat u are saying. and also they actually listen and take u seriously (while in the back of their mind, wondering if he/she could get some from u). but i guess most of u know this already. but neways, this applies to both men and women regardless is the person ur tryin g to seduce is a man or woman. hope that makes any sense.
so watcha waiting watcha waiting watcha waiting fooouurrr....
get of that couch and start working out already (cheh say ppl but himself nvr go and do it). trust me its for the best. its also kinda linked to our biological process that a more physical person would make a better mate than some lethargic person who looks sickly (unless ur a goth). its all genetic darling.
ps: i just realised that Nelly Furtado look damned hot in her new music video, Maneater.
also upon typing that above post i just realised that it is just bunch of jibber jabber. but i like the whole body is a tool thing. so i'm keeping it. so there :P


Anonymous said...

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Anonymous said...

uber cool!

Anonymous said...

I was wondering are you a poetic guy?

Anonymous said...

I love your blog


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

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