Tuesday, June 27, 2006

i can't even hav a peaceful emotional breakdown!

i have to keep it together. for the sake of my guys. it seems that they are already starting to crumble under the weight of stress. i am under more stress. god only noes wat i am going thru in my mind and heart. but i can't hav closure, i can't hav peace of mind for i have take care of others. i guess i have to be tough and be stronger. once again, time to keep my emotions under wraps for the sake of other people. that is my life and it seems i am beggining to accept this calling. alway doing things for other but nvr for myself. i cannot breakdown, wat would ppl say.

At the expense of many
For the benefit of all


xlippy said...

whats happening at mandai sanctuary (or is slaughterhouse a more appropriate word) dude? how's your medics?

Anonymous said...

u hang on!!hang on!!;p

Anonymous said...

mandai hell hole... just lets say this.. med ctr is falling crumbling slowly... its affecting everyone... i have to keep it together lah.. it my job, its my duty...

xlippy said...

hwy is medctr crumbling sia? isn't it the duty of the HQ medics to keep it intact. and where are the brigade and division medics? you belong to the coy line lah..