Wednesday, June 04, 2008

Procrastinating Much

well i take a break from my studying to bring you an update...

ok fine i have nothing to update .... just taht i'm tired of studying... :P

i'm sure everyone that has a blog or reads blogs or surfs the internet has a blog roll... a blog roll is a list of blogs that you regularly read. it might consist of ur frens blog or just some random interesting blog that u might have stumbled upon or even a blog belonging someone u think is cute and ur bordering on beign a stalker...

well i have a blog roll and mine consists of all of the above types of blogs. can't say them out can i? its my own private pleasure of reading those blogs hee hee...

so anyways it always suprised me what i can deduced from reading blogs. especially the pictures that people post. first of all i notice things... i would notice where a hand is palced or how close people are in pictures and that coupled with what they write in their blogs i can often tell or suspect that he likes her or she likes him or he likes him or she likes her..... i can't confirm such thigns coz i don't know these people or rahter these people do not know me... but it could be true... its just something i like to do...

so be careful wat u write in ur blog...

that being said i'm sure people are deducing thigns about me from wat i write on my blog... its a vicious cycle i tells you VICIOUS!!! ok i'm starting to ramble and be all delusional... damn exams... if i were to decide if i hated exams more than writign reports.... i would say i hate exams more...


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