Saturday, February 17, 2007

Butterscotch & Sprite

There is so much i wanna type but i feel freaking tired. Okay let me relate to you wat happened this week. i tend to do these weekly update coz well.... i'm not there for most of the week so i have to blog during the weekends so ya. you get wat i mean.

finally the last outfield exercise is over... at least for Singapore that is... i have 2 more in Taiwan... blargh! but its okay after the Taiwan ones i'll be on my way to be civillian. Whoopee Doo... If that wasn't enuff right after the outfield thing i went clubbing! For the first time...

Oh my god! me go clubbing? unglamourous me... ok lah it was Samantha's farewell thing coz she was going away to study. so i went to her house to have a farewell dinner. after that we went to St James. ok it was my first time and it was kinda weird having to dance on the dancefloor. but if i were doing it alone it would be stupid but there were at least 100++ ppl doing the same. so it didn't feel so stupid. but i really feel u need to get drunk to go clubbing. to really let urself go and hang loose. that said i like Butterscotch&Sprite. go order it. its nice. and no i didn't get drunk yesterday. was dancing and dancing till 4 am. tiring you know. its not my thing though. but i don't mind if the company is good.

anyways got home at 5 and slept till 12 or 1 in the afternoon. i think. anyways ppl ask me out again today! to go to MoMo... am i that happening? nope i don't think so..... i'm just popular by proxy... its sad but true...

but i like Butterscotch&Sprite....Thanks to Melissa...

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