Monday, June 21, 2004

sAlteD Sumthing....

blah blah... boring day.. work work work lor.... i am not free yet like some ppl...

night was a different story altogether. beside waiting for the damned 27 bus for like half an hour coz:
1) it doesn't come along very often like once in 5-10 mins
2) every bus that comes will be filled to the brim.
3) not so related but the bus stop if very hot

so after boarding, if you call standing on the second steps of the front door boarding, i happened to notice a strange smell. it was a cros betweeen salted vegetables and salted fish. in general a salted kinda smell.

i realised that after awhile it came from this old man standing infront of me. he was holding this plastcic bag which i guess was containing food of some kind. most likely some salted thing. eww.

so i had to spend the next 20 minutes atanding on the steps of the bus inhaling a salted sumthing smell. it was ok if only it wasn't air conditioned! i was so mauseated and almost puked. hahaha. imagine if i puked in the bus! hee hee....


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