Saturday, June 19, 2004

A funnY thing hapPeNEd On thE Way tO WorK.....

yes my frens... i got into a litle acidnet on my way to work. i was on the bus and i was about to get of from the front coz the way to the back door was quite full of people.. so... as i was happily making my way to the door when the bus uncle slammed his brakes and i slide. in the process slamming my right foot into the wall of the bus. oh somewhere under the thing you put you coins in to pay the fare.

ya ok fine, i thought.i got off the bus and tried to walk and lo and behold there was a sharp pain coming from my toes. and the worse part was i had to walk to work which was a jolly good 10 mins walk. i was limping all the way. how cacat i looked. (sorry cacat!)

i still can't bend my last toe properly but its not swollen. i think i sprained it.

oh but on a lighter note!
there is buzz around of an outing to Jurong Bird PArk on this coming weds! anyone interested do tell me! only if you noe me and have my number ya. i don''t want any stranger unless your so so hot ;) then i'll consider ya.

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