Tuesday, November 28, 2006


do you know how tiring it is to do duties for 4 twelve hour duties? straight? it is very tiring especially when you don't have much rest in between and the sleeping quarter are dusty and not very well ventilated. thus i am very tired now but still went wif my fren to go walk walk right after i cam back from duty... isn't that silly? but i have accomplished two things.

first i went to eat at Carl Juniors ( or was it Carl's Junior? oh wateva) but anyways it was nice burgers but ok i don't get wat ppl say about the huge proportions coz to me it was just nice (thats coz i ate quite abit before that, if i didn't i would be just fine not too full and not hungry). its not that big of a burger. i was cheated. but nice burgers though.

Went to DAISO ( everthing there is $2!!!!!) at Plaza Singapura. even though it not as big as the one at IMM it is still bargain heaven. ok not really bargain heaven but wen everything irregardless wether its big or small, shiny or dull, spoon or tissue everything is $2!!! and most things are from Japan. TWO DOLLARS people!!!! TWO FREAKING DOLLARS!!!! needless to say i was a very happy man. oh i also found a pair of NINJA socks.. you know the one where it spilts into 2.. one for the big toe and the other for the rest of the toes. i've always wanted those. and also a black and green striped socks! so happy so happy. alsoa green mat and a small shovel ( i am a horticulturist..) 2 pars of green chopsticks and a green pouch!!!

but i was so tired i didn't even bathe wen i came back and crashed on the sofa... which den i proceed into my room, which by the way i do not remember doing and awoke today! still tired...

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