Wednesday, August 06, 2008


So i was meaning to upload stuff about my sydney trip but i can't be arsed about it... just go look at my facebook la.. wat!!!??? no have my facebook? how can..... so any ho ha... i have certain thoughts that been lingering in my mind alot... so here goes...

  1. wats with asian guys and skinny jeans and white shoes? like every self respecting metroseksual skinny asian has i'm sure, at least one pair of black skinny jeans and a pair of white shoes... i mean i have no problem wit it but wen u see it every so often it gets abit...umm...daunting... especially here in Aussieland,... i dunno... don' u feel weird wen u see 5 other people wearing the same black skinny jeans and white shoes ensemble?
  2. wats with people and those singlets with the Thai RedBull or some other obscure brand of alchohol...? again doesn't it feel weird that u keep seeing people wearing the same thing as you alot?
  3. again my favourite one of all... why do people always like to take pictures of their feet? like all the time... like they stand in a circle and take pictures of their feet? i don't understand... i just don't understand.. granted i have taken a pic of my feet at bondi but that is to signify me actually being in bondi... but random feet pics i don't understand la...
  4. oh and wats with those random pointing pics? like a group of people will pretend to point in a multitude of directions and take a pic... i don't understand....

umm thats all i can think off right now.... go on and ponder about it those few who are my readers....till next time...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

i wear thai red bull and hot tuna singlet! haha