Tuesday, July 20, 2004

Bored At Nine...

oh yeah... bored at nine. finish all the presentation stuff but in the end did not present at all. coz oh i dunno.. i don't care all already.
got Finance Hw but then i lazy so i will hopefully do it tomolo.
i noe! since i am on the net i shall research the Landscape Deisign Hw! on Hawaii!
bored bored bored... there nothing to watch on tv. and there nothing on the net. except maybe porn. but then i'm not particularly horny now. *wink*
trying not to chat on the net coz
  1. no one wants to tok to me.
  2. if i tok den i will stay up late
  3. or i will tok then ppl will get bored or i will get bored and not tok and have a blank screen staring at me. and thus worsening my bored mood.



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